Posted on 07.12.24

Discover products for plant biotechnology


Discover products for plant biotechnology

If you are working in plant biology, we carry a number of products that are suited for use in plant biotechnology applications.

Antimicrobials can be used for contamination control to prevent or restrict the growth of bacteria, viruses and/or fungi, and they can also be used to select transformed plants in gene selection protocols, and to eliminate Agrobacterium after plant transformation methods.

Our selection of plant growth regulators can regulate growth in different plant organs. Notable growth regulators are auxins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and gibberellins to name a few.

If you are preparing media, we carry many ReadyMade™ antimicrobial solutions to free up your time usually spent on preparing antimicrobial stock solutions for media additives. All products arrive sterile-filtered and ready to use in your application. Since you won’t need to purchase equipment and consumables for filter sterilization of your antimicrobial solutions, it’s a great opportunity to save money and time. We also have a promotion for new customers for a free ReadyMade with any purchase, so you stopped by this article just in time!

Please do visit our Plant Biology page for other products related to plant science. For your convenience, we’ve pulled together some popular products in our latest Plant Biotechnology flyer.

If you are interested in a custom formulation, please reach out to us. We can meet your specific requirements if you need different sizes, packaging, and bulk options. Please Contact Us and together we can create the right products for your plant lab.