• What are these products used for?
    Our products are specifically designed for research exclusive uses, they are not approved for human or animal consumption, and are not FDA approved. If you're not sure if your project qualifies, please contact us
  • Standard lead time for domestic orders is 3-5 business days. We offer FedEx Standard Overnight®, or FedEx 2 Day®. If you prefer to use a different service option or carrier, please contact us.
  • Standard lead time for international orders is 5-7 business days. Please visit our Distributors page prior to submitting purchase orders to streamline the ordering process.
  • Due to variance in weight and hazard class, it is difficult to provide a fixed shipping estimate. For online orders, our Shipping Estimator can approximate shipping charges based on weight and zip/postal code.
  • Once order has shipped, we will send an order confirmation along with tracking information.
  • You will only pay sales tax if the shipping destination is in the state of Washington.
  • Our products are carefully packaged based on shipping and storage requirements. Some products require special packaging that may increase shipping cost.
  • If you prefer a different package size than the ones offered, we offer custom packaging for an additional cost. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
  • We offer bulk pricing discounts, and select promotions. Please contact us for details.
  • If you would like to return an item, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Certain products are not eligible for return. Returned items may be subject to a restocking fee.



Our Offices


TOKU-E Company

4112 Bakerview Spur

Bellingham, WA 98226

Toll Free: 1-888-71-TOKU-E

Local Tel: 360-734-1789

Fax: 360-734-0798

E-mail: info@TOKU-E.com



Poortakkerstraat 21 Bus 0001

9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium

Tel:+32 (0)92 6169 70

E-mail: info.eu@TOKU-E.com


TOKU-E Biotech Laboratory Pte Ltd.

1100 Lower Delta Road #01-01 EPL Building,

Singapore 169206

Tel:+65 6816-2640
