Posted on 03.28.23

Join us at ECCMID 2023


Join us at ECCMID 2023

Our European team (TOKU-E EU NV) is bound for Copenhagen to exhibit at the 33rd annual ECCMID conference (European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases). This will be the first time hosting a booth at this meeting, so please do stop by and visit if you are attending the conference.  The exhibits will be open April 15-18, 2023, but you can also attend virtually.  It is a great time to connect with your colleagues in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases during this multi-faceted program. Be sure to get involved in the educational, social, and professional events at the meeting.  Last year’s conference attracted over 13,000 participants, from a record number of countries (156 to be exact).  

We are looking forward to seeing you in-person or online, and we hope you can visit us to learn more about our products for microbiology, diagnostics, and susceptibility testing. We have some exciting giveaways and promotions in store. We are excited to participate in this dynamic meeting, and we’ll see you at Booth B5-52. To learn more about ECCMID, visit: