SKU: B058  / 
    CAS Number: 1689-84-5


    Bromoxynil is a nitrile herbicide used to control broad-leaf weeds after they have germinated.

    This product is considered a dangerous good. Quantities above 1 g may be subject to additional shipping fees. Please contact us for specific questions. 
    Mechanism of ActionBromoxynil is toxic to plants by inhibiting photosystem II (PSII), hindering photosynthesis.
    ReferencesCarey, J. B., & Kells, J. J. (1995). Timing of Total Postemergence Herbicide Applications to Maximize Weed Control and Corn (Zea mays) Yield. Weed Technology, 9(2), 356-361. Retrieved from

    Pampulha, M. E., & Oliveira, A. (2006). Impact of an Herbicide Combination of Bromoxynil and Prosulfuron on Soil Microorganisms. Current Microbiology Curr Microbiol, 53(3), 238-243. doi:10.1007/s00284-006-0116-4