SKU: S057  / 
    CAS Number: 151-21-3

    Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Ultrapure

    $8,208.70 - $45,296.20

    Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Ultrapure is a highly purified (≥99.5% pure) version of SDS.  SDS is an organic compound and anionic alkyl sulfate surfactant that is widely used in biochemical research involving electrophoresis.  SDS coats proteins and DNA giving them a negative charge which allows travel through an electrical field towards the anode during gel electrophoresis, a techique used to separate macromolecules such as proteins. 

    SDS is an anionic surfactant, the hydrocarbon 'tail' coupled with the polar 'headgroup' yield amphiphilic characteristics that make it suitable as a detergent. 

    This product is considered a dangerous good. Quantities above 1 g may be subject to additional shipping fees. Please contact us for specific questions.

    We also offer:

    • Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Dust-Free UltraPure (S062)
    Mechanism of Action SDS denatures proteins without breaking peptide bonds. Once proteins are denatured, they carry the highly negative charge they acquired from the SDS, changing their shape and making them more suitable for gel electrophoresis.
    Microbiology Applications

    SDS can be used as a selective agent/supplement to inhibit the growth of non-coliform organisms.

    SDS can be used in DNA isolation methods in food safety protocols to detect food-borne fungal pathogens.  Research has shown SDS can biodegrade via many naturally occuring bacteria (Singer and Tjeerdema, 1993).

    Eukaryotic Cell Culture Applications SDS treatment can aid antigen retrieval in cultured cells and cryostat tissue sections.  Since many antibodies recognize denatured proteins on western blots, by applying SDS to cryostat sections and to cell cultures prior to immunostaining, it can produce a dramatic increase in staining intensity via immunofluorescense (Brown et al, 1996).
    Plant Biology Applications SDS can be used to purify antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from plants.  A range of AMPs can be collected from plant sources, and include several groups isolated from different plants and plant organs such as stems, roots, seeds, flowers, and leaves (Tang et al, 2018).
    Electrophoresis Applications

    SDS is used in several electrophoresis applications including SDS-PAGE gel construction, running buffers, and DNA and protein preparation and denaturing.  It is used to lyse cells during RNA or DNA extraction.  

    For SDS-PAGE applications, SDS disrupts non-covalent bonds in proteins resulting in denaturation.  By binding to proteins at a ratio of 1 SDS molecule per 2 amino acid residues, the negatively charged SDS provides proteins with a net negative charge.  Therefore, the mobility of the polypeptide chains can be attributed to their length which aids analysis.


    Bhatt M et al (2022) SDS-PAGE and western blotting: Basic principles and protocol. In: Deb, R., Yadav, A.K., Rajkhowa, S., Malik, Y.S. (eds) Protocols for the diagnosis of pig viral diseases. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY

    Brown D et al (1996)  Antigen retrieval in cryostat tissue sections and cultured cells by treatment with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS). Histochem Cell Biol 105:261–267 PMID 9072183

    Chart H (1994) Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for the separation and resolution of bacterial components.  In: Methods in Practical Laboratory Bacteriology.  1st ed. CRC Press, 332 pp. Boca Raton, FL ISBN 9780203747414

    Singer MM and Tjeerdema RS (1993)  Fate and effects of the surfactant Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 133:95-149  PMID 8234943

    Tang S et al (2018)  Antimicrobial peptides from different plant sources: Isolation, characterisation, and purification.  Phytochem. 154:94-105  PMID 30031244

    Tohru S, Shibata K, Fujimori K, Ohtani Y (2017)  Rapid removal of tetracycline antibiotics from water by coagulation-flotation of sodium dodecyl sulfate and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) in the presence of Al(III) ions.  Separation and Purification Technology.  187:76-83

    Umesha S, Manukumar HM and Raghava S (2016)  A rapid method for isolation of genomic DNA from food-borne fungal pathogens. 3 Biotech 6:123  PMID 28330193