PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit II is an improved version of the PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit. Improvements include a modified Mycoplasma Primer Mix which helps to detect additional Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma strains when paired with the optimal cycling protocol. It also includes an internal PCR positive control to distinguish between a true negative result and a false-negative result.
The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit II quickly and reliably identifies Mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. Mycoplasma infection can induce cellular changes, like chromosome aberrations, morphological changes and altered cell growth. The kit has a high degree of sensitivity for over 300 Mycoplasma strains while minimizing the risk of false positives. It is important to screen for Mycoplasma in suspected cell cultures to deter more widespread contamination. The MasterMix contains gel loading dye for convenient gel loading. The Kit contains reagents for 100 reactions.
The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit II contains the following:
1.25 ml 2x PCR Taq Master Mix II
100 µl Mycoplasma PCR Primer Mix II
250 µl Positive PCR Control
1.00 ml Nuclease-Free H20
Please see Product Data Sheet for kit protocol.
We also offer the following kits for Mycoplasma elimination: